Eagle Rare 10 Year Bourbon 750ml

Eagle Rare 10 Year Bourbon 750ml

Eagle Rare 10 Year Bourbon 750ml

Eagle Rare Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is masterfully crafted at Buffalo Trace Distillery in Frankfurt, Kentucky, a place with a rich history in American Bourbon. Eagle Rare whiskey is carefully aged for no less than ten years making it a smooth and tasty whiskey. The rareness of this great breed of bourbon is evident in its complex aroma, as well as the smooth and lingering taste. Eagle Rare is a bourbon that lives up to its name with its lofty, distinctive taste experience.

Regular price $85.00

Eagle Rare Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is masterfully crafted at Buffalo Trace Distillery in Frankfurt, Kentucky, a place with a rich history in American Bourbon. Eagle Rare whiskey is carefully aged for no less than ten years making it a smooth and tasty whiskey. The rareness of this great breed of bourbon is evident in its complex aroma, as well as the smooth and lingering taste. Eagle Rare is a bourbon that lives up to its name with its lofty, distinctive taste experience.

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